
Showing posts from May, 2021

IELTS Academic task 1 - Sample Report Writing (Pie chart)

    The given figures represent the average proportion of three kinds of nutrients in common meals in America, all of them may not be healthy, if eaten in excess. Overall, it is evident that dinner is the unhealthiest meal, whereas breakfast is the healthiest one. The consumption of sodium and saturated fat is the highest in the dinner which is 43% and 37% respectively. Interestingly, the usage of sodium is exactly the same in breakfast and snacks which is 14%, moreover the intake of sodium, as well as saturated fat during lunch, is almost same that is 29% and 26% respectively. It is also fascinating to note that the consumption of added sugar and saturated fat during breakfast is the least as well as identical which is 16%. In addition, the highest proportion of added sugar is consumed in snacks that is 42%, whereas it is only 19% in lunch and 23% in dinner.

IELTS Sample opinion essay

              In some areas of the US, a 'curfew' is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. What is your opinion about this?     In some parts of America, a restriction is inflicted by the authorities, wherein adolescents are not permitted to be out after a specific hour at night unless they are escorted by a mature person. In my opinion, this is an efficient decision taken by the government. In this essay, I will elaborate on why it may be harmful to young people to go out alone after dark in several areas of the country. There is a big chance of something dreadful happening to them after dark as these areas might be infamous for illegal activities. Since  most teenagers are reckless as well as carefree by nature they are more at risk of being attacked. Not only a person might become traumatized  if they are

IELTS Agree Disagree Sample Essay

    Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   Investment should be done on rail department instead of road routes by authorities. I do not support the given statement because both of these areas are critical for the development of any nation, therefore a balance needs to be struck when it comes to spending on them.   On the one hand, railways are a major source of revenue for any country. If they are in good condition, they will promote tourism. Moreover, the idea of luxury trains, which provides facilities similar to an airline, such as, food, beverages, comfortable interiors, beautiful scenic views and private Light Emitting Diode screens for entertainment can prove to be a major attraction both for natives and non-natives, consequently adding to the Gross Domestic Product of a country. Furthermore, if this department remains profitable then it will result in expansion, as a result, more jobs will be created, which is a s

IELTS Problem Solution Sample Essay

  Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulty getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep cause? What can be done about lack of sleep?   Lack of sleep has recently been reported as an emerging concern for many. Insomnia and light sleep habits have doubled the risk of anxiety and cardiovascular attacks in a lot of sufferers. Yoga together with regulating day-to-day habits can catalyse sleep provoking hormones in the body aiding in reducing the perils associated with sleep deprivation. Most of the people who sleep  for less than 7 hours a day, take far more than the average time taken to respond to any stimulus. Because of the dearth of napping time, either the brain cells become hyperactive due to the prolonged stress or mostly they simply lack concentration owed to their tiredness. It is claimed that the long-term effect of insomnia can also lead to heart attacks and even nervous breakdown. The time that is needed by the human body to replenish and work o

IELTS Double Question Sample Essay

  Success is often measured by wealth and material belongings. Do you think wealth is the best measure of success? What makes a successful person? Financial status and other tangible assets are many times considered as the yardstick to determine success . In my opinion, money is not the finest way to gauge a person’s level of achievement, but it is one of the other aspects like satisfaction and health. The qualities like discipline, diligence and being sagacious have the power to lead someone towards the attainment of their goals.   Success is impossible to evaluate by a single factor alone. If a person has affluence but is suffering from medical conditions, they will be pitied by others and not looked upon as a role model. Can a person be considered prosperous when they are in a deplorable state? Many rich people are living a solitary life and do not have friends and family around, as a result, they feel depressed and rejected. Similarly, a person who is healthy but does not have the

Sample Discussion Essay for IELTS Exam

  Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations Discuss both these views and give your own opinion . It is claimed by many that accepting a negative circumstance like scarcity of funds or dissatisfying occupation is most appropriate, whereas others believe that it is preferable to make efforts and bring betterment in such conditions. In my opinion, one should strive to bring improvement in life because accepting adversity does not bring any positivity.  According to some, it is the uncertainty of what the future beholds that does not allow people to make endeavours and bring a change in their lives. The fear of something more disastrous than their current situation deters them from taking action. When the shortage of money is faced by a person, because of their current occupation, they would still want to continue the same vocation as they are unsure w