IELTS Agree Disagree Sample Essay


 Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Investment should be done on rail department instead of road routes by authorities. I do not support the given statement because both of these areas are critical for the development of any nation, therefore a balance needs to be struck when it comes to spending on them.


On the one hand, railways are a major source of revenue for any country. If they are in good condition, they will promote tourism. Moreover, the idea of luxury trains, which provides facilities similar to an airline, such as, food, beverages, comfortable interiors, beautiful scenic views and private Light Emitting Diode screens for entertainment can prove to be a major attraction both for natives and non-natives, consequently adding to the Gross Domestic Product of a country. Furthermore, if this department remains profitable then it will result in expansion, as a result, more jobs will be created, which is a step forward towards the development of a nation. For example, the luxury train, Palace on Wheels of India reaps immense surplus every year due to its outstanding provisions. But are roadways as vital as railways?

There is no denying the fact that the advancement of roads can not be neglected. With the growing population comes the need for flyovers, highways and massive bridges. Since this is the most common way of commutation, people should be able to enjoy their long drives and not be troubled by it. Moreover, ensuring the smooth flow of vehicles will ultimately result in less pollution and accidents. Consequently, there will be reduced environmental challenges and less burden on the health care system. For example, in a recent survey conducted by the famous media house Thomas Reuters, it was concluded that New Zealand holds the topmost rank in terms of well-maintained roadways, therefore it has to deal with the least number of accidental cases as compared to other countries. Hence, modernized road routes are a symbol of a developed and happy nation.

To summarize, if a balance is not struck between the modernization of rail and road routes it would prove to be disastrous for any country. Both these sectors play a pivotal role in the holistic well being of a nation in terms of greater income generation and reduced accidents.





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