Sample Discussion Essay for IELTS Exam


Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is claimed by many that accepting a negative circumstance like scarcity of funds or dissatisfying occupation is most appropriate, whereas others believe that it is preferable to make efforts and bring betterment in such conditions. In my opinion, one should strive to bring improvement in life because accepting adversity does not bring any positivity. 

According to some, it is the uncertainty of what the future beholds that does not allow people to make endeavours and bring a change in their lives. The fear of something more disastrous than their current situation deters them from taking action. When the shortage of money is faced by a person, because of their current occupation, they would still want to continue the same vocation as they are unsure whether a change of profession would reap them positive results or would even deteriorate their condition. Furthermore many times there is no choice but to accept a situation. This is because it is not healthy to live in denial when faced with a complication in life that cannot be changed. Just imagine the case of a person who has lost a loved one. They need to accept this pain in life in order to move on otherwise they may get into depression. Hence, unwillingness to face something new and fate sometimes force an individual to surrender.

However, I side with those who believe that the situations in life can be upgraded when people are courageous enough to fight adversity. Once people start making efforts and see the positive outcomes, it instils a sense of confidence in them and makes them strive harder towards upgradation, consequently bringing prosperity in life. Moreover, it makes a person grow and have their fair share of experiences in life as well as brings wisdom. If a person is in a dissatisfying profession and makes efforts to upgrade themselves by enrolling in training sessions then not only will they be promoted and get an appraisal, but also guide others as well. Muniba Mazari, who works for gender equality would be a perfect example to prove this since she met with a dreadful accident early on in her life and became paralysed, but it was her resilience that made her an international figure and a motivational speaker. Thus, it would not be wrong to say that making endeavours to change an adverse scenario brings beneficial changes.

Therefore, I firmly believe that people should fight their unpleasant situations because it will make them happier and stronger. On the other hand, some people are not able to do so because of their own shortcomings like fear and sometimes fate not bolstering them.


  1. Very thoughtful and impressive expression..

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Agree with you Vandana. Accepting any negative situation or condition and live your life while feeling suffocated inside is a torture. One must fight oneself and come out of the comfort zone and live your life on your terms... Beautiful message.


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