IELTS Problem Solution Sample Essay

 Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulty getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep cause? What can be done about lack of sleep?


Lack of sleep has recently been reported as an emerging concern for many. Insomnia and light sleep habits have doubled the risk of anxiety and cardiovascular attacks in a lot of sufferers. Yoga together with regulating day-to-day habits can catalyse sleep provoking hormones in the body aiding in reducing the perils associated with sleep deprivation.

Most of the people who sleep for less than 7 hours a day, take far more than the average time taken to respond to any stimulus. Because of the dearth of napping time, either the brain cells become hyperactive due to the prolonged stress or mostly they simply lack concentration owed to their tiredness. It is claimed that the long-term effect of insomnia can also lead to heart attacks and even nervous breakdown. The time that is needed by the human body to replenish and work on its system recovery is compromised and hence often this leads to failure of multiple organs causing sudden heart chokes. It can be evidently proven by the research conducted by students from the University of Virginia, where they found that pupils who slept for roughly 5-6 hours a day had higher heart rates and even faced issues in observing and focusing on the surrounding things. How can this problem be resolved?

However, sleep paucity can easily be treated by a few exercises, a couple of concoctions, and some adjustments with the daily routine. But how can a life-threatening medical condition be treated with just workout? The answer is hidden in the cycle of our everyday regime. Due to overexposure to screen lights from our laptops and mobile phones the equilibrium of our hormonal exchanges is disturbed resulting in us not feeling sleepy. This can be managed by changing our bedtime habits and leaving behind the use of any display devices at least 30 minutes prior to going to sleep. Avoiding caffeine intake and adopting hot beverages such as chamomile tea to induce melatonin production in the body that triggers the brain to fall asleep can be of immense help. A lot of doctors recommend this routine to be combined with regular practice of Shav Asana and Bal Asana to put the body to rest and meditating state that can also trigger sleep. Many proven studies resonate with the same ideas and guarantee an average one hour increase in daily sleeping time if one strictly follows the recommended schedule.

To summarise, keeping awake and depriving oneself from elixir like sleep can not only take away the power to comprehend and react to things but also pushes one into a deadly trap of upset circulatory system. For people who are struggling to stay asleep, some light yoga asanas and subtle changes in the food habits along with minimising screen-time can resolve the issue gifting them sound and healthy sleep.


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