IELTS Double Question Sample Essay


Success is often measured by wealth and material belongings. Do you think wealth is the best measure of success? What makes a successful person?

Financial status and other tangible assets are many times considered as the yardstick to determine success. In my opinion, money is not the finest way to gauge a person’s level of achievement, but it is one of the other aspects like satisfaction and health. The qualities like discipline, diligence and being sagacious have the power to lead someone towards the attainment of their goals.


Success is impossible to evaluate by a single factor alone. If a person has affluence but is suffering from medical conditions, they will be pitied by others and not looked upon as a role model. Can a person be considered prosperous when they are in a deplorable state? Many rich people are living a solitary life and do not have friends and family around, as a result, they feel depressed and rejected. Similarly, a person who is healthy but does not have the resources to fulfil his desires can also not be defined as successful. For example, the famous monk Sadhguru is followed by numerous people because of his aura and not his worldly accumulations. Therefore, it cannot be denied that attaining a status is a complete package that includes various aspects like health and contentment besides tangible belongings.


It is vital to have an aim and a disciplined lifestyle in order to realise a decent position. A person must evaluate on regular basis, the progress they are making towards the achievement of an ambition. If someone allows lethargy to come in the way then it can turn out to be the biggest threat in turning a plan to action. Commitment towards an objective is of immense importance since in the absence of the same a person loses precious time and fails to take the right decision at the right time. Moreover, it is through intelligence and enthusiasm that people can focus on opportunities and do not let them pass. For example, Robin Sharma in his book 5 A.M. club talks about achievers who have a set routine in their life and have achieved a certain position because of a defined regimen. Hence, there is no contradiction to the fact that it requires sheer determination to counter failures.


To conclude, it is evident that materialistic possessions and riches are not the only ways to access achievements but they are definitely one of the other factors, including health and overall prosperity. Moreover, it is impossible to attain targets by adopting a sedentary lifestyle and not acting smartly and competently.


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