Agree/Disagree Essay

Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Numerous languages have been disappearing with each passing year. There are some who believe that it does not make any substantial difference since it will be simpler to live if only fewer languages exist. I completely disagree with this opinion because it would create a language barrier amongst different generations in a family.

Local dialects are the prime tool of communication. If they vanish then the elderly in a family might find it problematic to converse with the young ones in their homes since these two generations would know different languages. Just imagine the case of a grandfather who cannot have a jovial conversation with his grandchild because the child is well versed in English, whereas the elderly person speaks Marathi. Such a situation may exist because the regional tongues might not be recognised by the modern generation. Thus, it may have a catastrophic impact on the traditional values in a nation.

Apart from this, fewer languages may mean not many opportunities to learn. There are many words in English which have been taken from other dialects. To illustrate, the word ‘Rangoli’ which comes from Hindi has now been included in English. If Hindi vanished, it would mean a vast variety of words would also go unused for English speakers as well, therefore, giving individuals fewer chances only to beautify and polish their language. Consequently, it could lead us to have only a limited range of vocabulary perhaps.

 To summarise, I am of the notion that if only few languages are used and the rest of them die out, it would create a huge negative impact because it may create a language barrier across generations. Moreover, this change will not allow us to broaden our horizons in terms of learning different kinds of words.





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