IELTS Sample agree/disagree essay

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems as well as practical problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Being able to communicate fluently is a strength that makes us express ourselves without any hesitation. However, I completely agree that a person may have to deal with problems while socializing as well as in their day to day dealings if they live in a nation where they have to converse in a foreign language. 

The main complication that one has to bear is finding it hard to make friends. Friendship is based on the exchange of ideas and opinions and this very foundation is jeopardized if two people are unable to converse fluently in the same language. A person retrieves into a shell when this happens. Another difficulty could be disconnect at workplace. It is very important to have a good relationship with colleagues at workplace otherwise a person may find it hard to understand the culture prevalent there. Also, a person may fail to fulfil the expectations of authorities if there is a communication gap or an employee might fail to make their seniors understand about the issues that they are facing in order to meet the targets. 

Day to day problems make the matters worse. Activities like eating out or shopping, which appear to be very simple in one's native country become a prodigious task. Not only reading a simple menu card becomes challenging but also talking to a waiter. Negotiation about prices is generally seen as an impossible task because it is an art that requires fluency in a dialect. As a result, a person many times has to pay the solicited amount and still feel dissatisfied.  

Therefore, it is evident that a person has to face serious repercussions of being overseas without sufficient knowledge of the language of that region. The complications could be anything from the feeling of being a misfit in a community to having to pay more than the natives do for certain facilities. However, if a person acquires an adequate level of fluency in the concerned dialect before going abroad then these issues may not arise.


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