
Agree/Disagree Essay

Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?   Numerous languages have been disappearing with each passing year. There are some who believe that it does not make any substantial difference since it will be simpler to live if only fewer languages exist. I completely disagree with this opinion because it would create a language barrier amongst different generations in a family. Local dialects are the prime tool of communication. If they vanish then the elderly in a family might find it problematic to converse with the young ones in their homes since these two generations would know different languages. Just imagine the case of a grandfather who cannot have a jovial conversation with his grandchild because the child is well versed in English, whereas the elderly person speaks Marathi. Such a situation may exist beca

IELTS Sample agree/disagree essay

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Being able to communicate fluently is a strength that makes us express ourselves without any hesitation. However, I completely agree that a person may have to deal with problems while socializing as well as in their day to day dealings if they live in a nation where they have to converse in a foreign language.  The main complication that one has to bear is finding it hard to make friends. Friendship is based on the exchange of ideas and opinions and this very foundation is jeopardized if two people are unable to converse fluently in the same language. A person retrieves into a shell when this happens. Another difficulty could be disconnect at workplace. It is very important to have a good relationship with colleagues at workplace otherwise a person may find it hard to understand the culture prevalent

Grammar-- uses of would

                                               Learn about 12 uses of 'would'

IELTS Opinion Essay

  IELTS Essay Writing

IELTS Paraphrase Statements

 Paraphrase is the first statement of your IELTS essay. The information provided in the question needs to be repeated in this statement in such a way that the language changes but the meaning does not. The best way to do this is to synonymise the language and change the word order. Some sample paraphrase statements have been given below for better understanding. 1. In many countries today, crime novels and TV crime dramas are becoming more and more popular.      Why do you think these books and TV shows are popular?     What is your opinion of crime fiction and TV crime dramas? Paraphrase-    Television shows and books based on felony are increasingly gaining popularity in numerous nations at present. 2. Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep.     What problem can lack of sleep cause?      What can be done about lack of sleep? Paraphrase- In the present scenario, many individuals remonstrate that they are unable to get sufficient sleep.  3. In th

IELTS Vocabulary for paraphrasing

Avoiding repetition of vocabulary is an integral part of the IELTS exam whether it is a writing or speaking module. Below are some commonly used words with their synonyms that can help you in paraphrasing. 1. Important- Vital, Significant, Pivotal, Crucial 2. Parents- Custodians, Guardians 3.Traditions- Conventions, Beliefs, Cultures 4. Decision- Judgement, Verdict 5. Countries- Nations, Territories 6. Criminals- Miscreants, Law offenders, Lawbreakers 7. Interesting- Intriguing, Compelling 8. Advantages- Merits, Benefits, Positive aspects 9. Disadvantages- Demerits, Drawbacks, Negative aspects 10. Opinion- Notion, Perspective, View 11. Old people- Senior citizens, Elderly 12. Young people- Youth, Youngsters 13. Ebooks- Soft copies, Digital books 14. Print books- Hardcopies, Print media, Physical books 15. Difficult- Complicated, Tricky, Tough 16. Problem- Predicament, Issue, Hurdle 17. Tiring- Exhausting, Grueling, Arduous 18. Famous- Popular, Celebrated, Eminent, Renowned 19. Many- Nu

IELTS Academic task 1 - Sample Report Writing (Pie chart)

    The given figures represent the average proportion of three kinds of nutrients in common meals in America, all of them may not be healthy, if eaten in excess. Overall, it is evident that dinner is the unhealthiest meal, whereas breakfast is the healthiest one. The consumption of sodium and saturated fat is the highest in the dinner which is 43% and 37% respectively. Interestingly, the usage of sodium is exactly the same in breakfast and snacks which is 14%, moreover the intake of sodium, as well as saturated fat during lunch, is almost same that is 29% and 26% respectively. It is also fascinating to note that the consumption of added sugar and saturated fat during breakfast is the least as well as identical which is 16%. In addition, the highest proportion of added sugar is consumed in snacks that is 42%, whereas it is only 19% in lunch and 23% in dinner.